FactDekho is a secure and reliable New Media curation platform where we bridge the gap between people and News Media. Through this platform, both News media and people from all over the country can share legit facts and information with each other. We give you a platform where you can share information, such as Good Facts, Corruption, Political Facts, Government loop point facts, Society Facts, Accident news, and more. Pick the events that you think are necessary for the whole country to know, share it with us, and News Media will become the voice for you.FACTDEKHO APPSFactDekho app collects the news from people across the nation. Also, anybody can connect to a variety of News Media Houses listed in the app to share the information directly.MEDIA CHANNELThe news that you will send to us will be shared with News Media to ensure that it is legit news. Once confirmed that the facts and information are authentic, it will be shared with the whole nation.We have partnered with different types of media houses, like Print Media, broadcast media, and Internet Media, etc.Currently, we are working on the State of Gujarat and offering people to add Local News On our news reporting platform we facilitated people to share direct news with the news media house